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Image courtesy of The Arboretum Project
Arboretum Project
901 S. Illinois Avenue
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 • Map It
(865) 483-3571
The Arboretum is a project of The University of Tennessee Forest Resources Research and Education Center. It hosts more than 30,000 visitors annually. This 250 acre research and education facility has over 2,500 native and exotic woody plant specimens that represent 800 species, varieties, and cultivars. The UT Arboretum is a place for all seasons. A fall walk among the major plant collections near the Program Shelter can be a very colorful experience.
Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
274 Ellington Plant Sci. Bldg.
2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 • Map It
(865) 974-7126
Nestled in the shadows of the Great Smoky Mountains, The University of Tennessee is located in an ideal setting for your study in natural resources, forestry, recreation, wildlife, fisheries, forest products, and the environment. Our vision is to be recognized nationally and internationally as a premier university research, teaching and outreach department focusing on the natural resource disciplines.
The University of Tennessee Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center
901 S. Illinois Avenue
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 • Map it
(865) 483-3571
The Center is a 11,500 acre field research laboratory. The Center is a regionally recognized leader in developing new technologies applicable to modern forestry and wildlife resources management and environmental stewardship. The Forest Resources Center is one of ten research and education centers in the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, AgResearch system. Headquartered in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the Forestry Resources Center is comprised of three forest units located in East and Middle Tennessee.