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Knoxville Government:
City Council has six representatives elected from districts and three elected 'at-large' representing the entire city.
Mayoral offices are located in the City-County Building in downtown Knoxville. Sworn into office in December 2019, Indya Kincannon is Knoxville's current mayor and is the city's second female mayor and its 69th mayor.
Knoxville city government offices are located in the City-County Building, 400 W. Main St., Knoxville TN 37902
Phone: 3-1-1 | Website: www.cityofknoxville.org
Knox County Government:
The Knox County Commission is the legislative body of Knox County. Nineteen commissioners are elected in even-numbered non-presidential election years to four-year terms from nine districts: two commissioners are elected from each of districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and three commissioners from district 5. Districts must conform to the one-person, one-vote rule and district lines are changed each ten years following the federal census.
The Commission elects a chairman and vice-chairman annually, and adopts its own rules and procedures. Utilizing its home rule powers, the Commission adopts ordinances, emergency ordinances, and resolutions that govern the operation of Knox County government or regulate the conduct and affairs of the residents of Knox County. The Commission adopts the annual county budget and sets the county government property tax rate, including that of the Knox County School System.
Phone: 865-215-2000 | Website: www.knoxcounty.org
• Rural Metro Fire Department
• Public Access to Court Electronic Records
• Public Building Authority of the County of Knox and the City of Knoxville, Tennessee
• Metropolitan Planning Commission
• Knoxville's Community Development Corporation
Knoxville's Community Development Corporation, commonly known as KCDC, is the housing authority and redevelopment agency for Knoxville.
• Tennessee Sex Offender Registry - Find out if a sex offender lives in your neighborhood.
• Property Tax Search - Find out who own property at a specific address
Renew Driver License online
Knox County Election Commission
Voter Registration
Download voter registration application and get vital Tennessee voter information.
State Government | Federal Government
Knox County Attorney General
Charme P. Allen, Knox County Attorney General, was sworn as Knox County's District Attorney on August 29, 2014. Her Chief Deputy and second-in-command is Samuel K. Lee and her Deputies are veteran prosecutors William H. Crabtree, Leland L. Price, and Kyle A. Hixson.
Knox County Clerk
The County Clerk maintains records of marriage licenses and automobile titles, and collects taxes for automobile sales and business taxes for the State Department of Revenue. The Clerk issues licenses, including marriage, vehicle, hunting and fishing. Sherry Witt is the current County Clerk.
Knox County Sheriff
The Knox County Sheriff's Office is headed by Sheriff Tom Spangler. Spangler's command staff is made up of both civilian and sworn personnel. The Knox County Sheriff's Office operates four detention facilities, each offering a secure and well-maintained environment for the inmate population, while providing for the safety of departmental personnel and the surrounding community. The Detectives General Assignment Division primarily investigates property crimes such burglary, theft, auto theft, vandalism, fraud and forgery. The Unit has had a clearance rate for these crimes well above the national average.
Knoxville Fire Department
The City of Knoxville Fire Department protects more than 175,000 citizens with more than 30,455 calls answered during 2002. Calls answered include fire, rescue, and emergency medical emergencies. Emergency Medical Service calls for service totaled 10,515, and non-EMS calls for service totaled 19,940. Total emergency runs were 15,581. EMS runs made up 52.7 percent of the total. The department operates 20 engine companies, 5 ladder companies, 5 tanker companies, 2 mini-pumper companies, 2 hazardous materials units, 1 rescue company, 1 fire boat, 1 rescue boat, 1 command unit, trench, high angle and dive rescue teams, as well as a hazardous materials emergency response team. The department has 308 full-time career professional firefighters staffing 42 fire suppression and rescue units in the city's 18 fire stations. Knoxville is home to one of the most modern fleets of specialized emergency equipment in the South. The City of Knoxville Fire Department maintains an ISO rating of 3. Stan Sharp is the Fire Chief.
Knoxville Police Department
The KPD is a nationally accredited law enforcement agency which has approximately 413 sworn and 123 civilian employees. We have almost 700,000 citizen contacts each year and serve a resident population of 172,994 citizens over a 97.7 square mile area. The Police Chief is Eve M. Thomas.
Knoxville Green Party
The Knoxville Green Party is a local affiliate of the Green Party of the United States. The Green Party of the United States is a progressive American political party that believes in ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, community-based economics, respect for diversity, decentralization, gender balance, nonviolence, future focus, personal and global responsibility, and social justice.
Public Building Authority
In 1971, Knox County and the City of Knoxville acted jointly to create the Public Building Authority of County of Knox and the City of Knoxville, Tennessee (the "PBA"). The Certificate of Incorporation of the PBA was filed with the Secretary of State of Tennessee on July 20, 1971. Over the years, the Public Building Authority has carried out joint and individual projects for Knox County and the City of Knoxville and affiliated entities such as the Knox County Board of Education and the Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority. PBA currently develops, constructs, owns and/or maintains certain facilities on behalf of the City of Knoxville and Knox County pursuant to operating contracts with those entities.
Knoxville Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad
The Knoxville Volunteer Emergency Rescue Squad, Inc. is responsible for the provision of primary rescue services to the citizens of Knox County. It also provides secondary vehicle rescue and primary technical rescue services to the City of Knoxville. Other services to both City and County include emergency medical first response, medical stand-by, animal rescue/removal, and water rescue/recovery.
Knox County Health Department
The Knox County Health Department is an agency mandated by the state of Tennessee. Services are available to all residents of Knox County. The mission of the Knox County Health Department is to identify and respond to the public health needs that affect our community. Births and deaths are registered through the Health Department. Certified copies of records are available from either the local or state health department.
Knox County Records Management
Records Management offers County departments and agencies storage, retrieval, and, if applicable, disposal of inactive documents. Secure and climate-controlled storage for electronic record media and microfilm is provided. Access to government records, when permitted by statute or regulation, is afforded to members of the public.
Knox County Public Library System
The Knox County Public Library System consists of the Central Library downtown, the East Tennessee Historical Center and Lawson McGhee, and 17 branches, serving the 525 square miles of Knox County.
Town of Farragut
The Town of Farragut was incorporated on January 16, 1980, with the first Board of Mayor and Aldermen elected on April 1, 1980. Farragut maintains ontrols on zoning, building codes and signage plus major improvements to roads and a sincere commitment to developing parks, green space, pedestrian links and leisure opportunities. The Town is named after Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, the first Admiral of the United States of America Navy.