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American Museum of Science & Energy
The museum has permanent and temporary exhibits. Permanent exhibits include The Story of Oak Ridge; Exploration Station offering self-directed activities which explore light and color, sound, problem-solving, static electricity, robotics, vision and more; Y-12 and National Defense exhibit; Earth's Energy Resources; and World of the Atom.
300 S Tulane - Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Map It • 865-576-3200 • Website
Beck Cultural Exchange Center
The Beck Center researches, collects, preserves. and exhibits African American achievements and culture and has the largest African American membership organization in East TN. Since its opening in 1975, the Center has reached more than a half million people from local residents to individuals from all over the world. This has been achieved through cultural exhibits and resource materials including: books, journals, newspapers, scrapbooks, audio recording and other memorabilia. The Center is located within walking distance of the famed Alex Haley statue.
1927 Dandridge Ave. - Knoxville, TN 37915
Map It • 865-624-8461 • Website |
Children's Museum of Oak Ridge
The Children's Museum of Oak Ridge is a dynamic cultural center that features innovative exhibitions, programs and workshops for all ages. Science, art and history are emphasized in hands-on learning opportunities that encourage young people to understand their cultural heritage, environment and the world around them. Educators are encouraged to utilize the Museum's numerous resources - over 20,000 objects, archival holdings, audio/video tapes, books and magazines.
7615 Foster Road - Corryton, TN 37721
Map It • 865-688-3971 • Website
Confederate Memorial Hall - Bleak House
Confederate Memorial Hall, originally named "Bleak House," has a rich and interesting past. Bleak House, an antebellum mansion of fifteen spacious rooms and wide halls, stands well back on an eminence among lovely trees and elaborately landscaped grounds. The property fronts 250 feet on Kinston Pike and extends 900 feet in terraced gardens down to Fort Loudon Lake (Tennessee River). The house was built for Robert Houston Armstrong and Louisa Franklin as a wedding gift. Louisa’s father, Major L. D. Franklin, built the house; Robert’s father, Drury Armstrong of Crescent Bend, donated the land. The young couple named their stately home, "Bleak House," for Charles Dickens' then currently popular novel of that name. The property has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1984.
3148 Kingston Pike - Knoxville, TN 37919
Map It • 865-454-0075 • Website
East Tennessee History Center
The historic building which is now officially known as the East Tennessee Historical Center was built in 1874 as Knoxville's first United States Custom House and Post Office. The architect of the original building was Alfred Bult Mullett (1834-1890), at that time the chief architect of the United States government. Of neoclassical Italianate design, the Custom House served as Knoxville's federal building until 1933, housing the federal court, excise offices, and post office. The former federal courtroom on the third floor features notable neoclassical decoration. From 1936 to 1976, the building served as one of the main Knoxville offices of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). In 1973, the Custom House was among the first structures in Knoxville named to the National Register of Historic Places. In 1977, the Custom House was awarded to the public library to be developed into a center for historical research and was significantly restored and renovated by Knox County in 1980 and 1992.
The East Tennessee Historical Center is one of two facilities of the Knox County Public Library System located in downtown Knoxville. The Center houses the public library's Calvin M. McClung Historical Collection and the Knox County Archives, the repository for the permanent governmental records of Knox County.
Located in the building are:
• First Floor: East Tennessee Historical Society Shop, Corner Drugstore Streetscape, and temporary exhibits will open April 2. The permanent exhibit is undergoing renovation and will reopen in 2006.
• Second Floor: Knox County Archives & ETHS Administrative Offices
• Third Floor: McClung Historical Collection for genealogical and historical research
601 S Gay St - Knoxville, TN 37902
Map It • 865-215-8830 • Website
Farragut Folklife Museum
The Farragut Folklife Museum is a treasure chest of photographs and artifacts which tell a story of the history of the Farragut and Concord communities. One of the highlights of the Museum is the Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Collection. Admiral Farragut, the first commissioned Admiral of the United States Navy and perhaps best known for his statement, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead," was born in this area on July 5, 1801. This nationally sought after collection houses artifacts such as Farragut’s personal china, uniform ornamentation, family photographs, manuscripts, letters of interest and a large collection of scrimshaw.
The Museum also exhibits objects of memorabilia, history of schools, churches and community, railroad artifacts and changing exhibits of interest to the community.
11408 Municipal Center Dr - Farragut, TN 37934
Map It • 865-966-7057 • Website
Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center
The museum portrays Native Americans of East Tennessee history with artifacts representing 5,000 years of Native American life related to hunting, pottery, foodways, ceremony, games, medicine, and trade. Depicts pioneer and mountain culture's daily life, family and community, medicine, industry, recreation, and education. An exhibit, Tennessee on the Move, has a postal wagon, farming vehicles, a surrey, a freight wagon, and road construction equipment.
123 Cromwell Dr - Townsend, TN 37882
Map It • 865-448-0044 • Website |
Green McAdoo Cultural Center
The Center is the site of Green McAdoo School which gained national recognition in 1956 when 12 young people now known as the Clinton 12 walked into history and changed the world. Green McAdoo depicts the history of desegration in Clinton, Tennessee. Racial discrimination and violence brought about the arrival of the national guard and martial law. The center also portrays how a community came together to overcome the obstacles created by discrimination. Image from LargeArt.com
101 School St - Clinton, TN 37717
Map It • 865-463-6500 • Website
Knoxville Museum of Art
Founded in 1961 as the Dulin Gallery of Art, the Knoxville Museum of Art moved into its current facility in World's Fair Park on March 25, 1990. Designed by noted museum architect Edward Larrabee Barnes, this 53,000 square foot concrete and Tennessee pink marble building features five galleries, the Great Hall, auditorium, Museum Shop, and various gardens and terraces. KMA received accreditation from the American Association of Museums in 1996.
1050 World's Fair Park - Knoxville, TN 37916
Map It • 865-525-6101 • Website |
Knoxville Zoological Park
The Knoxville Zoo is open year round and offers special programs such as Bedtime with the Beasts. The zoo celebrate the wonders of the natural world. Through education, conservation, exhibition, research and recreation, the zoo tells the stories of the animals, the plants and the people who make up the communities of the earth.
3500 Knoxville Zoo Dr - Knoxville, TN 37914 • Map It • 865-637-5331 • Website
McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture
The McClung Museum is a general museum with collections in anthropology, archaeology, decorative arts, medicine, local history, and natural history. The exhibits document ways of life, cultural trends, and technologies from prehistoric times to the present day, and showcase much of Tennessee's past -- its geology, history, art, and culture.
1327 Circle Park Drive - Knoxville, TN 37996
Map It • 865-974-2144 • Website
Museum of Appalachia
The Museum of Appalachia portrays an authentic mountain farm/village with 36 historic log structures, exhibit buildings filled with thousands of authentic Appalachian artifacts, gardens surrounded by split rail fences, and farm animals in a picturesque setting.
2819 Andersonville Hwy - Clinton, TN 37828
Map It • 865-494-7680 • Website