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What is the Self-Help Divorce Clinic?
The purpose of the Clinic is to help people get a divorce without using a lawyer.
Don't they need a lawyer?
The Clinic will give people information about how to get a divorce. After visiting the Clinic, a person might decide to hire a lawyer. It is easier to get a divorce if you do have a lawyer.
Who runs the Clinic?
The Clinic is operated by the Pro Bono Project of Legal Aid of East Tennessee, Inc. Some of the people who work at the Clinic are Legal Aid employees. Other people who work at the Clinic are volunteers.
Why does Legal Aid have this Clinic?
Most of Legal Aid's clients are people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. But Legal Aid cannot help all of these people. We have to turn many people away. The Clinic is a way to help some of the people we would have to turn away if we did not have the Clinic.
Is the Clinic for anyone who cannot afford to hire a lawyer for a divorce?
No. The clinic cannot help everyone. To come to the Clinic:
1. You must be financially eligible: Your income must be less than a certain amount and
2. You must be either: A U.S. citizen or a documented alien.
Will the Clinic help everyone who meets those two requirements?
No. The Clinic can only give basic information about how to get a divorce.
Sometimes a person needs more information than the Clinic can offer. Usually, the Clinic can only help people who:
1. Do not own real estate and
2. Do not have children under age 18.
However, there are some exceptions to these rules.
For assistance, call 865-637-0484 and ask for a "Divorce Clinic Application" if you think the Clinic can help you.
Offered by:
The Pro Bono Project
Legal Aid of East Tennessee, Inc.
502 South Gay Street, Suite 404
Knoxville TN 37902