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Knoxville Area Psychological Association (KAPA) - a regional affiliate of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Provides a membership directory and list of psychotherapists by categories.
Peninsula Village
Peninsula Village provides short- and long-term residential treatment for adolescents referred from across the United States who have not responded to more conventional approaches. Many patients have previously been treated elsewhere - most on an inpatient basis without enduring success. Oftentimes, Peninsula Village is their last chance for effective treatment before adulthood. Patients go to Peninsula Village with a wide range of problems and diagnoses, including severe depression, over-activity and impulsiveness, dependence and passivity, or the effects of traumatic experiences. Patients often suffer from a combination of disordered conduct, unstable mood and substance abuse or dependency.
Youth Villages
Youth Villages is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children and families live successfully. They offer home-based counseling to children and families, and therapeutic foster care.
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